Frequently-Asked questions
In this page we try to answer your questions. In order to help you, answers for many common questions have been written, please read them first. If you still have a question, please send it and it will be answered shortly by one of our experts.
How long will eggs keep?
Fresh shell eggs can be kept refrigerated in their carton for 3 months if it stored between 3 and 6 temperature. Quality losses are kept to a minimum if eggs are placed in the refrigerator as soon as possible after purchase.
What is the best way to store eggs?
The easiest way to maintain eggs at high quality is to store them in their original carton in the refrigerator as soon as possible after purchase. Cartons reduce water loss and protect flavours from other foods being absorbed into the eggs. Storing eggs loose, or in specially designed sections located on refrigerator doors is not recommended as this also exposes eggs to a greater risk of damage.
How do I test an egg for freshness?
A quick test for freshness is to check if the raw egg in the shell sinks in a basin of water. Fresh eggs stay at the bottom of the bowl while stale eggs float because of the large air cell.
Is it possible to have an egg without yolk?
Yes, but it’s rare. Yolk-less eggs are called wind eggs and are usually laid by a young pullet. In a mature hen, a wind egg can occur if a bit of reproductive tissue breaks away, stimulating the egg-producing glands to treat it like a yolk and wrap it in albumen, membranes, and shell, just like a normal egg. In the old days, no-yolkers were called cock eggs and were believed to have been laid by roosters since they wouldn’t hatch.
Sometimes I’ve had eggs with two yolks inside. Is that possible?
Double-yolkers occur when ovulation happens too rapidly, or when a yolk gets lost and is joined by the next one in line. They’re most often laid by pullets just beginning to synchronize their laying pattern, and some heavy-breed hens carry this tendency as an inherited trait. Rarely, an egg contains more than two yolks the world record is nine yolks in one egg.
Source: American Egg Board (